The Best 1756 Books News Alternatives

  • Readlang icon


    Read any text, translate the words and phrases you don't know, and let Readlang create flashcards to help you learn.

  • Feed43 icon


    Your favorite site doesnt provide news feeds? This free online service converts any web page to an RSS feed on the fly.

  • Perfect viewer icon

    Perfect viewer

    Perfect Viewer is a very fast image/comic viewer. *Turn black/white image into 4 colorize image(Only available for donated users. Need install Perfect Viewer donation application).

  • G2Reader icon


    g2reader is a simple and intuitive rss reader designed as google reader replacement. keep in touch with the sites that you visit, read them in one place – it is as easy as checking your email.

  • Page2RSS icon


    Page2RSS is a service that helps you monitor web sites that do not publish feeds. It will check any web page for updates and deliver them to your favorite RSS reader.

  • YouVersion icon


    Relevancy In generations past, the access people had to the Bible was very limited. Today, this is no longer the case. However, many people who have access to the Bible think its message does not apply to their lives.

  • FeedPress icon


    FeedPress handles the RSS Feed of your website, blog or Podcast and offers advanced statistics about your feed's subscribers as well as the ability to offer Newsletter subscriptions.

  • ownreader icon


    ownreader is a rss feed aggregator trying to be the best google reader replacement.

  • Socialite icon


    Socialite is a revolutionary social application that keeps all your social networks in one convenient place! Socialite makes it easy to stay in touch with the social networks and services that matter to you.

  • Storybook icon


    Storybook is a free, open source novel-writing software for creative writers, novelists and authors which will help you to keep an overview of multiple plot-lines while writing books, novels or other written works.

  • Slashdot icon


    News for nerds, stuff that matters. Slashdot (aka /.) is a technology-related news and discussion site with a focus on Linux, free and open source software and information freedom and privacy issues.

  • The Verge icon

    The Verge

    From gadgets to startups, apps, and tech culture, The Verge has you covered with in-depth reporting, original features, and editorials from the smartest team in tech writing.

  • Organon icon


    Organon is a plugin for LibreOffice and OpenOffice. Organon allows to split up large texts into parts, allows tagging and opening parts of the project in new tabs. Parts are shown in a treeview.

  • Dragdis icon


    Drag & drop anything anywhere. Collect images, texts, links or videos to your private folders or post directly to Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter & (soon to come) Dropbox, Pinterest. More info:

  • FlowReader icon


    Flowreader is a web-based RSS reader that brings users both web news and social accounts feeds. One can organize categories, share and post directly from Flowreader page to Twitter and Google+ accounts.

  • Kontact icon


    Kontact is the integrated Personal Information Manager of KDE. Kontact suite unites mature and proven KDE PIM applications under one roof. Thanks to the powerful KPart technology, existing applications are seamlessly integrated into one.

  • Symbaloo icon


    Symbaloo is a personal start page, your personal desktop for the Internet. By clicking on a block you surf easily to your favorite websites such as eBay, Facebook, Google or the Whitepages.

  • e-Sword icon


    Bible study software. e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly. Prepare great sermons and awesome Bible studies. Great for Sunday school teachers!.

  • Origami Engine icon

    Origami Engine

    Origami Engine is a Mobile App Publishing Platform that lets you create exciting interactive publications, apps and documents without a single line of code.