Note Everything
A note (notepad) application where you can create text-, voice- and paint-notes. Your notes can be organized in folders. You can create shortcuts on home, send notes...
(Was 3banana/snaptic) With You Wherever You Go Easily snap notes and photos from the web and our app 3banana on Android or iPhone. Sync your account and use your notes when you need them.
(was 3banana/snaptic)
with you wherever you goeasily snap notes and photos from the web and our app 3banana on android or iphone. sync your account and use your notes when you need them.
your notes are secureonly you can access your private notes. the browser and mobile sync are always over a secured ssl connection.
make smart connectionsour simple #tagging helps organize similar notes so your busy brain doesnt have to. track geolocations from your phone, share notes to other people and more.
save content from other appssnapticintegrated apps allow notes to be saved without having to leave the app. see whos participating and connect your mobile apps to the web.
Official Website
note-taking notebook Discontinued