GetWindowText lets you grab text from static system messages via drag-and-drop. The program lets you work with most windows containing text including Edit, Static...
Capture2Text enables users to do the following: 1. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Allows the user to quickly snapshot a small portion of the screen, OCR it and...
capture2text enables users to do the following:
1. optical character recognition (ocr)allows the user to quickly snapshot a small portion of the screen, ocr it and (by default) save the result to the clipboard.
2. speech recognition (experimental) using speech recognition the user can speak into their microphone and capture2text will convert the speech to text. if the speech recognition technology is not 100% sure, capture2text will present the user with a list of the most likely transcriptions. the selected result will (by default) be copied to the clipboard.
Portable Capture Screen / Take screenshots
portable screen-capture text-recognition text-copy text-capture