![Adblock Plus icon](/img/11059/icon/adblock-plus.png)
Adblock Plus
Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to - among other things - block annoying ads, disable tracking and block domains known to spread malware.
As you browser the internet, sites you visit can attempted to take screenshots of your computer as pixel-by-pixel unique digital "fingerprint" of you & and your devices. This is called canvas fingerprinting.
as you browser the internet, sites you visit can attempted to take screenshots of your computer as pixelbypixel unique digital "fingerprint" of you & and your devices. this is called canvas fingerprinting. this can risk your privacy, even if you're browsing anonymously, e.g. from behind a vpn or using the tor network.
canvas defender is a browser addon that tries to defeat such tracking by adding random noise to your the screen capture. this has no effect on your online experience. this addon is different to others, in that it does not attempt to block the fingerprinting altogether, but rather to confuse it.
instead of completely blocking canvas fingerprinting, canvas defender addon creates a unique and persistent noise that hides your real canvas fingerprint. this addon protects you while browsing both in normal and private mode.
Firefox extension Privacy protection Google Chrome extension No Tracking
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Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to - among other things - block annoying ads, disable tracking and block domains known to spread malware.
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Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.
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DuckDuckGo is an alternative search engine that has rich features, respects your privacy, and is built from free/open-source software. • Zero-click Info - Useful information above the links. • More Privacy - We do not track you.
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Ghostery sees the invisible web - tags, web bugs, pixels and beacons. Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral data providers, web publishers, and other companies interested in your activity.
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Disconnect was founded in 2011 by former Google engineers and a consumer- and privacy-rights attorney. We develop award-winning, user-friendly privacy and security software in San Francisco, California.
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Protects you against tracking through "free", centralized, content delivery. It prevents a lot of requests from reaching networks like Google Hosted Libraries, and serves local files to keep sites from breaking.
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Harakirimail is a free disposable email service. Just send email to [email protected] and let us deal with the email (and all spam). And after 24H the email performs harakiri (seppuku), and you never have to see it again.
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With a single click on the lamp button, the page will fade to dark. And automatically focus on the video. By clicking on it again, the page will return to normal.
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Mailvelope is a browser extension that allows to exchange encrypted emails following the OpenPGP encryption standard.
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easy youtube video downloader express, successor of easy youtube video downloader , is a fast and easy way to download youtube videos.
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LeechBlock is an extension for Firefox and Chrome that allows users to block time-wasting sites.
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Control your cookies! Auto deletes unused cookies from your closed tabs while keeping the ones you want.
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Provides FREE website reliability and reputation ratings according to community-provided feedback.
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SearchLock prevents tracking of your Internet search history. Keeps your searches from being tracked and associated with your personal information. Free extension for Chrome and Firefox.
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FREE browser extension. Blocks harmful sites, protects your privacy and finds deals while you shop.
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