Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux and Windows. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath.
CalcTape is a revolutionary new kind of pocket calculator. With CalcTape, also extensive calculations remain clearly structured.
calctape is a revolutionary new kind of pocket calculator. with calctape, also extensive calculations remain clearly structured. calctape makes the arithmetic process visible you can generate intermediate results and subsequently correct or change all numbers and operations.
calctape for windows details:
enter many calculation terms in one turn and still keep an overview like on an adding machine. change any term afterwards and calctape will refresh the whole calculation automatically. use intermediate results to check and structure your calculation. comment your calculation terms, to give sense and context to it. save your calculations into files. open the files later and you can change the calculations. calctape will refresh the whole calculation automatically again and again. use your existing calctape files as templates. do similar calculations and play different scenarios. use the programmable buttons e.g. for fast tax calculations. calctape masters the four basic arithmetical operations, exponentials, and percentage calculations. calctape for windows requires windows xp, windows vista (x86 and x64) or windows 7 (x86 and x64).
Productivity Business and Commerce Education and Reference
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