FocusWriter is a fullscreen, distraction-free word processor designed to immerse you as much as possible in your work.
Byword is designed to make writing more enjoyable with Markdown on your Mac, iPhone and iPad.
byword is designed to make writing more enjoyable with markdown on your mac, iphone and ipad.
features designed to make writing more enjoyable using markdown sync text documents across all your mac, iphone, ipad devices take all documents offline to access them anytime filter documents by searching all text (find & replace inside documents coming soon) alternate dark theme for extra comfort in lowlight situations the most complete markdown support including footnotes, tables and crossreferences export markdown documents to pdf and html documents premium feature: publish to medium, wordpress, tumblr, blogger and evernote
Official Website
Works Offline Distraction free writing Dropbox integration
Productivity Developer Tools Books News Backup and Sync
offline-access synchronization word-processing spell-checker distraction-free-writing markdown dropbox-integration text-expander typing grammar-checker
FocusWriter is a fullscreen, distraction-free word processor designed to immerse you as much as possible in your work.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Writemonkey is a cross-platform zenware writing application with an extremely stripped down user interface, leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux
ghostwriter is a Windows and Linux text editor for Markdown, which is a plain text markup format created by John Gruber. For more information about Markdown, please visit John Gruber’s website at https://daringfireball.net/ .
Free Open Source Windows Linux