The Best 137 Byword Alternatives
9 Like Notepad!
Notepad! is the free, powerful, feature-rich replacement for your Windows Notepad. This software is completely free to use, for both personal and business purposes. With...
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LightPaper is a simple, beautiful, powerful yet free Text Editor for passionate writers. You can use LightPaper to write any kind of text documents – blogs, articles...
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Koalawriter is a fullscreen, distraction-free plain text editor with customizable background images and ambient music. Like its Mac OS counterpart Ommwriter, its...
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myTexts pro
Unlike most word processors, myTexts stands apart from the rest with its simple to use user-friendly interface. Without the burdens of superfluous features common in...
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MetroTextual is a Windows text editor inspired by Microsoft’s Metro Design Language. It’s designed to be a visually appealing replacement for Notepad; with significant...
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Full screen text editor distraction free writing enviroment. CreaWriter increase you creativity in writing.
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Once upon a time, people pounded out their memos and missives on a typewriter. There was no backspace, spell check, or fancy formatting, just forward movement, and...
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A Novel Idea
A Novel Idea is a tool for plotting your story and recording bursts of inspiration. Use its simple interface to create your characters, locations, scenes, and novels and...
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Worst Draft
Worst Draft is a Java-based, minimalist word processor that removes access to the two biggest roadblocks for writers: editing & distractions.
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Text Edit Plus
Text Edit Plus is a lightweight tool that enables users to easily create new text documents or to modify existing ones. The application is designed as an alternative to...
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Markdown Monster
Markdown Monster is a responsive Markdown editor that lets you edit Markdown with syntax highlighting and super fast text entry. A collapsable synced, live preview lets...