Secure email with absolutely no compromises, brought to you by MIT and CERN scientists. Swiss Based ProtonMail is incorporated in Switzerland and our servers are located in Switzerland.
Multiple Accounts Create multiple BulletMail accounts and stay logged into of them simultaneously; switch between your personal and business inboxes with ease. Use...
multiple accounts
create multiple bulletmail accounts and stay logged into of them simultaneously; switch between your personal and business inboxes with ease.
use existing accounts
login to our webmail interface with an existing email account from a service like gmail, yahoo, icloud, or any other that supports external imap/smtp connections.
use other clients
read your messages from bulletmail in other mail clients, like microsoft outlook and apple mail, using imap/smtp. messages are synced in real time across all your devices.
plenty of space
bulletmail offers 500 mb of storage space to users on the free plan, 5 gb to users on the professional plan, and 20 gb to users on the ultimate plan.
total privacy
all emails and other types of personal data at bulletmail are stored at extremely secure data centers, and all employees follow strict confidentiality guidelines.
maximum security
bulletmail strives to maximize the security of our users' data: our system offers militarygrade encryption everywhere, from storage t
Official Website
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Secure email with absolutely no compromises, brought to you by MIT and CERN scientists. Swiss Based ProtonMail is incorporated in Switzerland and our servers are located in Switzerland.
A/I provides tools for anonymous communication and sharing. We recommend to use our services along with some specific personal privacy protection tool All our services are characterized by a peculiar attention to our users' privacy.
Free Web
MsgSafe.io provides private, encrypted, online communication with layers of security you can trust.
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SCRYPTmail is true end-to-end encrypted email service. Email and meta data, i.e sender / recipient are encrypted when you communicate within scryptmail domain.
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