Google Plus
The Google+ project aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life.
Social networking in a box. Build a social network for your company, school, sports team or niche community all based on the power and flexibility of WordPress.
social networking in a box. build a social network for your company, school, sports team or niche community all based on the power and flexibility of wordpress. install buddypress directly through your wordpress dashboard plugins page, or download it manually from the wordpress.org plugins repository.
profiles custom profile fields. visibility levels. common field types.
settings email notifications. email and password.
groups extensible user groups. allow your users to create microcommunities.
activity streams for members and groups. sitewide directory and single threads. notifications
get notified. smart read/unread. fully integrated.
friendships friendship connections.
private messaging private conversations, with several members at one time.
extendable extend buddypress with hundreds of third party components.
Productivity Developer Tools Social Networking and Admin
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