FreeConference.com is the original free conference calling service, offering free and reliable video & conference calling solutions.
BroadSoft is the worldwide leader of VoIP applications serving more than 450 telecommunications service providers, including nine of the top 10 and 14 of the top 25...
broadsoft mobilelink is a simple nonvoip client that enables endusers to make and receive calls over their existing cellular service using their business identity. users can dial and manage calls from their personal smartphones just as they would from their office desk phone, including tracking calls, picking up business voicemail, managing personal settings, and more.
with mobilelink, users can also search corporate directories, clicktodial from the contact, and manage calling options, including call through (direct dial without pin codes or twostage dialing) and call back (invokes a call from the broadworks system, avoiding roaming charges.)
operator and system neutral, mobilelink is completely integrated with the broadworks service delivery platform, turning the business user’s personal mobile into an extension of the pbx.
mobilelink also integrates with broadsoft msg.now — a fixedline text messaging solution that allows users to send and receive text messages using their business number.
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