The Best 73 Brackets Alternatives
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A simple programmer's editor with a tightly-integrated console. It's excellent for rapidly prototyping code with its super fast edit-run-edit -run-save...
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Extensible and light programmers' text editor. SuperbEdit features Syntax Highlighting, Folder Management, Source Control Integration and much more... ...
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Batch Text File Editor
Batch-Notepad that can replace, insert, delete, copy, and move text in multiple files in bulk! Perform advanced search and replace operations using RegEx substitutions....
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CodeTasty IDE
CodeTasty is a programming platform for developers in the cloud. Enabling them to collaborate with others and offers features like code complete (js and php parsing)...
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PaizaCloud Cloud IDE is a browser-based online development environment for web development like Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Django, PHP, Laravel, etc.