Super Vectorizer
Super Vectorizer 2 (FREE Download: http://www.svgvector.com/download/Super-Vectorizer .
Boxy SVG is a vector graphics editor simillar to Adobe Illustrator, Sketch and Inkscape. Made with and for the modern Web Platform. Can do illustrations, icons, banners, mockups, charts, buttons and more.
boxy svg is a vector graphics editor simillar to adobe illustrator, sketch and inkscape. made with and for the modern web platform. can do illustrations, icons, banners, mockups, charts, buttons and more.
transforms move, resize, rotate and skew any object, either by using oncanvas editing handles or by entering the values manually.
groups group and ungroup objects. easly navigate nested groups using edit tool or the breadcrumb widget.
paint servers create linear gradients, radial gradients and patterns. edit them directly on canvas.
symbols create, edit and manage reusable objects and icon sprites.
paths create paths using either freehand or bezier drawing tools.
shapes create rectangles, triangles, ellipses, circles, stars, ngons and rings. each shape has editable properties such as rounded corners or number of arms.
boolean operations unite, subtract, intersect and exclude objects.
svg and html 5 open and save svg(z) files. svg is the native format of boxy svg. additionally you can optin to use html 5 serialization.
bitmaps import png, jpeg and gif files. export your work to png and jpeg.
google fonts import any font from the google fonts library, with a single click. the library includes over 700 unique fonts and it's still growing.
keyboard shortcuts over 100 commands with customizable keyboard shortcuts.
SVG Support Support for Keyboard Shortcuts
Productivity Phots and Graphics
drawing illustration image-editing svg svg-editing vector-graphics keyboard-shortcuts-support vector-editing