Box (formerly, based in Redwood City, California, is a cloud content management and file sharing service for businesses.
Commercial's online file storage makes it easy to securely share content as a link or a shared folder with anyone inside or outside your company. create an online workspace, where you can share project files, add comments, assign tasks, start discussions or create new content. free: 10 gb of webstorage, 250 mb file size limit, file sharing links, mobile web access, basic openbox new content by viewing all the latest box activity within your company or by searching the full text of all shared files with no extra investment.
Private File Sharing, Sync and Mobile Access for Home and Business. Access, Sync and Share ALL docs, photos, music and videos from anywhere. No Storage Limits. No Security Worries. No Uploading.
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Cloud Access to your Company Files without VPN, syncing or storing data in a public cloud MyWorkDrive is designed to integrate with existing enterprise storage to provide secure remote access to windows file shares using any browser...
Backup, access and share all digital information anytime from anywhere. Secure storage, automatic backup, access, file sharing, online server, virtual workgroup, web album, backup of your mobile phone.
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