Joget Workflow
Joget Workflow is an open source web-based workflow software to develop workflow and Business Process Management applications. More than just a workflow or BPM platform...
Bonita BPM is a BPM-based application platform that is designed to help users build highly engaging, personalized business applications that can be continuously updated to adapt to business changes in real time. .
bonita bpm is a bpmbased application platform that is designed to help users build highly engaging, personalized business applications that can be continuously updated to adapt to business changes in real time. bonita bpm provides an integrated suite of capabilities and is composed of the following core modules: * an eclipse based, modeling and development environment which allows business analysts and developers to graphically design and share processes using the industry standard bpmn 2.0 notation. * a web based, drag and drop designer, based on html5 and angular js, to create personalized user interfaces for bpm applications, including web pages and process forms. it is highly extensible so developers can build their own interfaces using standard technologies. * a powerful and scalable javabased process orchestration engine build on serviceoriented architecture. it is flexible enough to adapt to any information systems architecture, from simple to complex while supporting intensive workload. * a webbased, outofthebox, portal for users and administrators to perform their day to day task. while this is a generic bpm application, users can also completely customize the enduser interface.
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Productivity Business and Commerce
business-process-management workflow business-process bpmn bpm