Style Jukebox
Style Jukebox Cloud Player is the easiest way to take your music anywhere and listen to it on all your devices, online and offline.
As a professional real-time audio recording and editing software, Boilsoft Audio Recorder can record lossless sounds from any internal or external sources such as...
as a professional realtime audio recording and editing software, boilsoft audio recorder can record lossless sounds from any internal or external sources such as microphone, cd player, linein devices and other applications (like skype, quicktime player, realplayer, itunes, vlc, or dvd player) into any popular audio format including mp3, wav, aiff, aac, ac3, au, flac, m4a, m4r, matrosk and ogg.
features: record all sounds on mac trim off unwanted part or abstract your favourite audio segments and combine them into one new file
Productivity Video Audio and Music
audio-recording audio-editor trim-audio