Provides customer service & help desk SAaS. Free SAaS with options to upgrade but free service is not degraded in any way.
You'll get a new card on a list on every new email at [email protected], and you can reply by commenting on that same card. No more interfaces to...
you'll get a new card on a list on every new email at [email protected], and you can reply by commenting on that same card.
no more interfaces to learn or log in to, everything happens inside trello's easy to grasp, live and super fast interface. manage your team as you would manage a trello board, boardthreads won't care about who is answering your tickets. use trello's powerful features to assign tickets to people, label them, reorganize them across lists or search them. you can even mix support with development in the same board.
Discontinued trello helpdesk connect-web-accounts integration extensions support-ticket-system webhooks