Sublime Text
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose - any kind of text file. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.
Boa Constructor is a cross platform Python IDE and wxPython GUI Builder. It offers visual frame creation and manipulation, an object inspector, many views on the source...
boa constructor is a cross platform python ide and wxpython gui builder. it offers visual frame creation and manipulation, an object inspector, many views on the source like object browsers, inheritance hierarchies, doc string generated html documentation, an advanced debugger and integrated help. zope support: object creation and editing. cut, copy, paste, import and export. property creation and editing in the inspector and python script debugging. it is written in python and uses the wxpython library which wraps wxwindows.
python ide rapid-application-development wxpython wxwindows
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, html and prose - any kind of text file. You'll love the slick user interface and extraordinary features.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux
A hackable text editor for the 21st Century. At GitHub, we're building the text editor we've always wanted. A tool you can customize to do anything, but also use productively on the first day without ever touching a config file.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD Electron / Atom Shell