uBlock Origin
Popular and efficient blocker for Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Thunderbird. Fast and lean.
The best ad blocker for Android that works for all apps and does not require root. Free and open source. Blokada efficiently blocks ads, tracking and malware. It saves your data plan, makes your device faster and protects your privacy.
The best ad blocker for Android that works for all apps and does not require root. Free and open source.Blokada efficiently blocks ads, tracking and malware. It saves your data plan, makes your device faster and protects your privacy. It's free, open source and secure.Blokada works across all of your apps, not only the browser! It doesn't require root, supports both wifi and mobile networks, and is perfectly safe and simple to use. Just turn it on, and it will do the job silently!
Official Website
Productivity Social Education and Reference Web Browsers