Redaxscript is a modern, ultra lightweight and rocket fast Content Management System for SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
BlogPress is fast, easy to use, rich featured blogging app that highly intergraded with your favorite social networks: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and Picasa!! ...
blogpress is fast, easy to use, rich featured blogging app that highly intergraded with your favorite social networks: facebook, twitter, youtube, flickr and picasa!!
now you can write your blog or travel log on the road, share news, photos and videos with your friends in real time!!
highlighted features:
* blogpress is an universal app: optimized both for iphone/ipod touch and ipad, buy once and work for all ios devices.
* blogpress come with powerful video upload intergraded with youtube. please setup your youtube account, blogpress will upload your video and insert it directly to your post!
* a textimagemixed layout editor: blogpress has a special editor that support textimagemixed layout. placing your photos anywhere in the text is now a few taps away!! even you don't know html code.
* no limitation and easytouse photo uploader. you can upload more then one photo in a single post to any supported platform. photos will be uploaded either to your own filckr, picasa web album or to blogpress public album hosted by us. thumbnails will be auto generated and link to the full size images.
* support simple html quick insert: a very convenience to create links, bold text, italic text and event font and color, you need to know some basic html only.
* location autodetection (geo tags). every your blog reader know where you are writing the post, fully intergraded with google map.
* twitter & facebook intergradation : automately update twitter/facebook status with your latest post and the blog link.
* write once, multiple posts: by just one click!! you can send the same post to multiple blogs at various platforms. if you have more than one blog, this will definitely be a handy feature for you.
* landscape editing mode: allow you input your article with "big finger" landscape keyboard.
* support textexpender: textexpender is a cool app that make your typing much more quickly on ios. just search textexpender in app store!!
* support emoji keyboard: writing your article with more fun. blogpress support iphone os emoji icons. you can add more then 450 interesting icons to you every article.
(you need to enable the ios magic hidden feature emoji keyboard, search emoji in app store :d )
other features:
* support most of the mainstream blog platforms: blogger / blogspot msn live spaces wordpress movable type typepad livejournal drupal joomla tumblr squarespace my opera
* support full options of blog: labels/tags, categories, publish date and online draft(private post)
* support full thumbnails attributes: resize, alignment and links
* simple and elegant desinged: clear and no confusing interface, easy to use, no need to learn. the buttons display only when you need it.
* support draft auto saving: save writing text every minute to itunes shared document folder, easy to recover if app quit abnormally.
* save local drafts & online drafts & preview: write on the way, post them when online. easily write, edit, delete or preview your posts and drafts.
* signature customization setup your personal signature for every post from your iphone.
* editor text font customization.
*** note: if you are using nongmail account on blogger/blogspot, you need to validate your email on user profile first. ***
*** note: about photo upload: blogpress public album is for public usage, it is no need to setup, no space limitation, free for hosting, but not manageable and come with ads. for private photos, blogpress support google picasa, flickr and wordpress photo albums. we strongly suggest you to use them. ***
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my-opera blogging-application wordpress drupal joomla blog-app post tumblr movable-type squarespace livejournal typepad msn-live-spaces blog-draft