Terminator, multiple terminals in one window. The goal of this project is to produce a useful tool for arranging terminals. It is inspired by programs such as gnome-multi-term, quadkonsole, etc.
Blink Shell is the professional, desktop-grade terminal emulator for iOS. It's a full-featured and highly configurable open-source terminal that can be compiled from...
blink shell is the professional, desktopgrade terminal emulator for ios. it's a fullfeatured and highly configurable opensource terminal that can be compiled from the source at github or purchased as a precompiled app from the app store to support the developers.
mosh support.ssh support for sessions and exec commands.multiple concurrent sessions.create your hosts: predefine keys, prediction modes, startup commands, ports and everything else you need.back to my mac support.smart keys: onscreen keyboard with modifier keys for continuous presses.gestures based interaction. use swipe to move between your open connections, slide down to close them, and even pinch to zoom!encryption keys. this product includes software developed by the openssl project for use in the openssl toolkit.sshcopyid command to copy your secure keyskeychain support for secure storage of private keys and passwords.modifier keys (ctrl, opt, cmd, caps) to ctrl or esc sequences.cursor (home, end, pgup, pgdw) and function keys (f1...f10).splitview support.excellent unicode support (including composed seqs).copy and paste support.optimized battery consumption. nonblocking requests.inluded themes: solarized, flat, light monokai and hterm's default.inluded fonts (powerline): source code pro, menlo and roboto mono.
Official Website
ssh terminal-client