The Best 42 Bitcoin Alternatives

  • Litecoin

    litecoin is a peer-to-peer internet currency that enables instant payments to anyone in the world. it differs from its parent bitcoin in that can be efficiently mined with consumer-grade hardware.

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  • Ethereum

    Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.

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  • NXT

    Nxt is a fast and energy-efficient cryptocurrency based on the Proof-of-Stake concept, suitable for online payments and decentralized assets. Nextcoin and Nxtcoin are features of Nxt.

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  • NameCoin

    Namecoin is a distributed domain name system based on the Bitcoin technology. Namecoin extends Bitcoin to add transactions for registering, updating and transferring domain names.

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  • Ripple

    Ripple is a monetary system that makes simple obligations between friends as useful for making payments as regular money.

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  • Peercoin

    Peercoin is a P2P digital currency and payment system optimized for security and energy-efficiency.

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  • Groestlcoin

    GroestlCoin (GRS) is a peer-to-peer Internet cryptocurrency utilizing the Groestl algorithm that enables instant payments to anyone in the world.

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  • Stellar

    Stellar is a decentralized protocol for sending and receiving money in any pair of currencies. This means users can, for example, send a transaction from their Yen balance and have it arrive in Euros, Yen, or even bitcoin.

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  • Bitcoin Cash

    Low fees, reliable confirmations, unrestricted growth, decentralized development, global adoption, and permissionless innovation.

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  • Tibit

    Tibs are tokens of value defined by the user in their local currency, they can be spent on any tib button without a second thought as you are always spending your personal "just right" amount, Support online content creation...

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  • feathercoin

    Feathercoin is an Internet currency not controlled by any central bank or institution Feathercoin bypasses the old banking system by using peer-to-peer technology.

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  • Zcoin

    Private financial transactions enabled by the Zerocoin Protocol. One of the most groundbreaking academic developments in Bitcoin research.

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  • BlackCoin

    Blackcoin is a scrypt based coin launched on February 24th. It boasts 10 second transaction times (very fast), and unlike most other coins, can't be mined anymore.

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  • Golem

    Golem is a global, open sourced, decentralized supercomputer that anyone can access. It's made up of the combined power of user's machines, from personal laptops to entire datacenters.

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  • FileCoin

    Earn Filecoin for hosting files Put your unused storage to work by becoming a Filecoin miner. Use the Filecoin mining software to get paid for fulfilling storage requests on the Filecoin market.

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