BioEdit is a biological sequence alignment editor written for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/7. An intuitive multiple document interface with convenient features makes...
bioedit is a biological sequence alignment editor written for windows 95/98/nt/2000/xp/7. an intuitive multiple document interface with convenient features makes alignment and manipulation of sequences relatively easy on your desktop computer. several sequence manipulation and analysis options and links to external analysis programs facilitate a working environment which allows you to view and manipulate sequences with simple pointandclick operations.
features:* several modes of hand alignment* automated clustalw alignment* automated blast searches (local and www)* plasmid drawing and annotation* accessory application configuration* restriction mapping* rna comparative analysis tools* graphical matrix data viewing tools* shaded alignment figures* translationbased nucleic acid alignment* abi trace viewing, editing and printing* customizable other features
Productivity Phots and Graphics Education and Reference
Discontinued dna dna-editor plasmid sequence-alignment dna-sequences plasmid-mapping