MindMeister is the market-leader in online mind mapping. Unlike traditional mind mapping tools, MindMeister allows for real-time brainstorming sessions between an unlimited number of users and requires only a standard web browser.
Big Hairy Goal is an easy-to-use tool for getting your ideas down and to arrange them in a way that gives you more insight. The approach is much like mind mapping but...
big hairy goal is an easytouse tool for getting your ideas down and to arrange them in a way that gives you more insight. the approach is much like mind mapping but can be non linear. it's more like a whiteboard you attach note cards to and connect them with lines or reorder them. big hairy goal automatically moves cards aside if you insert a new one somewhere. so when your paper notes ever required a total rewrite because things have gotten too crowded and no space is left to add new notes, you can imagine what big hairy goal does.
Productivity Business and Commerce
note-taking getting-things-done uml charts mind-mapping diagram-editor goal-tracking brainstorm whiteboard