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Bforartists is a fork of Blender. It comes with the same features, but with an improved UI and usability.
bforartists is a complete 3d suite to create 3d content. it offers you the full 3d art pipeline to create game graphics, prerendered movies and stills.
bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3d software blender. it can be used for modeling, uv mapping, texturing, rigging, skinning, animating, rendering, simulations, nonlinear editing, compositing, physics etc. . and comes with python for embedded scripting.
Customizable UI customization Lightweight Non linear editor Compositor HD Rendering Keyframe animation Motion tracking Rendering with graphics card Texture painting Texturing
customizable ui-customization lightweight non-linear-editor rendering animation modeling compositor hd-rendering keyframe-animation motion-tracking rendering-with-graphics-card texture-painting texturing blender