Carrara 8.5
Carrara 8.5 offers the latest in DAZ technology. Our software engineers have worked meticulously to ensure that the new features in Carrara 8.5 exceed the standard...
Bforartists is a fork of Blender. It comes with the same features, but with an improved UI and usability.
bforartists is a complete 3d suite to create 3d content. it offers you the full 3d art pipeline to create game graphics, prerendered movies and stills.
bforartists is a fork of the popluar open source 3d software blender. it can be used for modeling, uv mapping, texturing, rigging, skinning, animating, rendering, simulations, nonlinear editing, compositing, physics etc. . and comes with python for embedded scripting.
Customizable UI customization Lightweight Non linear editor Compositor HD Rendering Keyframe animation Motion tracking Rendering with graphics card Texture painting Texturing
customizable ui-customization lightweight non-linear-editor rendering animation modeling compositor hd-rendering keyframe-animation motion-tracking rendering-with-graphics-card texture-painting texturing blender
Carrara 8.5 offers the latest in DAZ technology. Our software engineers have worked meticulously to ensure that the new features in Carrara 8.5 exceed the standard...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows DAZ Studio
Fragmentarium is an open source, cross-platform IDE for exploring pixel based graphics on the GPU. It is inspired by Adobe's Pixel Bender, but uses GLSL, and is...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
3D morphing application available as a stand-alone or part of Blacksmith3D-Suite. Blacksmith3D-Morph v4 was designed to provide users with powerful tools to easily...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows
Moonlight|3D is a free modern, flexible and extensible modelling and animation tool developed by a small but dedicated team. Moonlight|3D 0.2.0 has the following...
Free Open Source Windows Linux
Animation:Master is a 3D character animation application offered by Hash, Inc. that includes tools for modeling, rigging, animating, texturing, lighting and rendering....
Commercial Mac OS X Windows
messiahStudio is a powerful animation & rendering software package specifically designed to handle the most demanding character animation & rendering needs. It...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows
RaySupreme is a full-featured, powerful and easy to use 3D modeling, texturing and rendering software that features many of the tools you would expect from any...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux