The Best 53 Beyond Compare Alternatives
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SmartSynchronize is a multi-platform file and directory compare tool. It allows you to compare files or perform 3-way-merges, both with the ability to edit the file contents.
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ExamDiff Pro
ExamDiff Pro is a powerful, intuitive, and easy to use visual side-by-side comparison tool for comparing and merging text and binary files, and directories.
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Compare It!
Easily compare and merge text files; compare doc, xls and pdf files; prepare comparison reports and printouts.
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WinMerge JP
winmerge jp is a fork of original winmerge that incorporates many own features including 3-way compare, high dpi support and many more.
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Meld - Mac Port
This is actually Meld itself ported to Mac. Doesn't require X and keybinding changed to be adapt Mac shortcuts.
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SemanticMerge - The diff and merge tool that understands C#,, Java and now C
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GNU Diff Utilities
GNU Diffutils is a package of several programs related to finding differences between files.
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Workshare Compare
Workshare Compare is the leading document comparison software that lets you perform file comparison of two documents against multiple modified versions.
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Synchromat is file and folder synchronization software for Windows. Synchromat uses innovative algorithms to synchronize your data between desktop PCs, laptops, USB...