Photo Renamer
Photo Renamer is an application allowing users to organize their photos in chronological order. This is done by using the EXIF date recorded in each photo. When...
Better File Rename for Windows is the most versatile and easiest file renaming application on the market.
Better File Rename for Windows is the most versatile and easiest file renaming application on the market.
Productivity Phots and Graphics File Management Travel and Location
batch-file-renamer images exif-renaming rename-files renamer exif exif-renamer file-renamer renaming exif-tags exif-metadata file-utilities
Photo Renamer is an application allowing users to organize their photos in chronological order. This is done by using the EXIF date recorded in each photo. When...
Commercial Windows
Chrono Namer is a photo organizing tool. It rename images to time-formatted name. Beside photos it also handles audio and video files. Usually Cameras, cell phones...
Free Windows
PhotoRenamer is a freeware that rename your photos according to the date and the time you took the pictures (from file date and time or Exif Data) and a Highy...
Free Windows
Once Renamer renames multiple files in an action. A common flow of file renaming is: add the files to the list, edit the names, and start a rename task. The name-edit...
Free Windows
Photo Naming Assistant Pro was designed to give consistent and meaningful names to digital photo files while minimizing the work on the user's part. The application...
Commercial Windows
MultiFileRename is a program that can easily rename multiple files within the same directory. And repeat the same procedure(s) on different directories and at a later...
Free Open Source Windows
Name Dropper makes multiple file renaming easy by allowing text from documents or browsers to be dragged onto files for automatic rename. How to use Name Dropper ...
Free Windows