Midnight Commander
GNU Midnight Commander is a visual file manager, licensed under GNU General Public License and therefore qualifies as Free Software.
Beesoft Commander is a two-panel file manager (like Norton Commander) for Linux. He are using a Qt GUI-library. Exists two versions of the program. The version 2.27...
beesoft commander is a twopanel file manager (like norton commander) for linux. he are using a qt guilibrary.exists two versions of the program.the version 2.27 using old version of qt library (3.x) and the version 4.x using the current one.user have possibility to use followed operations:
can change access rights to file(s) or directory (recursive too), can view or edit files contents, copy, move, delete, rename and pack file(s), copy, move, delete, rename and pack directiories (recursive), can change time stamp for files, and many more...
Discontinued commander