Weavy Collaboration Framework
Embed contextual collaboration tools for unlimited users right into the web apps and sites you have built or already use.
Beambox is the easiest way to store and share content. Whether you want to save website links, share a folder of images with friends or build and host websites, Beambox is here to help you for all your personal and professional needs.
Simple. Content Storage. Real Time Messaging.
Beambox is the easiest way to store and share content. Whether you want to save website links, share a folder of images with friends or build and host websites, Beambox is here to help you store, host and share content for all your personal and professional needs.
file-sharing messaging file-storage real-time-collaboration website-screenshot content-creation content-curation content-delivery content-management image-hosting data-sharing website-creator real-time image-sharing hosted content-delivery-network data-storage hosting-platform static-site-generator static-website