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Digg Reader
an alternative to the popular google reader by digg . subscribe to your favorite blogs and publishers seamlessly import all of your google reader feeds and folders into digg.
BazQux Reader is a very fast RSS feed reader with simple and clean user interface.
bazqux reader is a very fast rss feed reader with simple and clean user interface.
it shows comments to posts, able to retrieve full article text, have several view modes, search, can subscribe to twitter/facebook/instagram/google+ pages and has sharing and bookmarking to popular services.
it is commercial service with a 30 days free trial and then $19 or $29 paywhatyouwant annual fee.
mobile and desktop appsuse feedme , feeddler rss reader , slow feeds , justreader news , news+ and viennarss . on ios, android and mac.
reeder , press and readkit works with bazqux reader set as a fever server.
Official Website
Integrated Search Import from Google Reader Import feeds from OPML
Productivity Social Books News Backup and Sync
integrated-search google-reader-import opml-import rss rss-feed-reader search-tool twitter facebook news-aggregator filters news-reader share-on-facebook filtering feed-reader social-media-monitoring share-on-twitter share-news follow-blogs instagram news-feed comments-reader