BazQux Reader is a very fast RSS feed reader with simple and clean user interface.
bazqux reader is a very fast rss feed reader with simple and clean user interface.
it shows comments to posts, able to retrieve full article text, have several view modes, search, can subscribe to twitter/facebook/instagram/google+ pages and has sharing and bookmarking to popular services.
it is commercial service with a 30 days free trial and then $19 or $29 paywhatyouwant annual fee.
mobile and desktop appsuse feedme , feeddler rss reader , slow feeds , justreader news , news+ and viennarss . on ios, android and mac.
reeder , press and readkit works with bazqux reader set as a fever server.
Read and share your favorite websites and blogs with an amazing newspaper-like layout. Newsify caches articles and images from your feed, so that you can read without a WiFi or 3G connection.
Feeddler is a fast and highly customizable RSS Reader that presents RSS stories in an easy-to-ready interface. Feeddler is a universal app that supports iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads. The free version is ad-supported.
PaperOak is a free RSS aggregator to read the hottest news, blogs, articles, and feeds on the internet. With active news updates to our servers from the many RSS feeds every minute, there is never a shortage of interesting feeds to read.
News+ is a simple, fast and intuitive feed/rss reader for Android, featuring beautiful themes, podcast support and full offline support. Features Voice Reading Listen to your feed without reading them.
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