resize, crop, shrink, flip, exifautorotate, resample, convert, enhance, and process multiple pictures and photos with this professional software!
120+ actions and effects: resize, contrast, watermark, etc... convert to/from and save results in any of 30+ formats: jpg, png, gif, tiff, bmp, j2k 20 scaling modes: lanczos, bilinear, bicubic, box, hqx rotate and flip manually or using exif orientation tag fit to fixed size or rectangle; fit to aspect ratio perform lossless jpeg crops, flips, and rotations automatic crop, crop to fixed size, crop from edges, crop to w:h ratio resize canvas and add padding; change print resolution change width and height independently or proportionately set dimensions using pixels, percentages %, or print units automatically shrink images to fit a desired file size in kilobytes conditional processing based on image orientation, size, and other attributes add static and dynamic text and image watermarks with visual effects layers with 40+ blending modes and pixel filtering perchannel processing: extract, mix, replace, adjust values, etc... 8 color models: rgb, hsb/hsv, hsl, hsi, hwb, ycbcr, lab, lch builtin image preview with interactive histograms 4 operation modes: manual, background, scheduled, and console use multiline text watermarks with various fonts and styles dynamically generate text watermarks with exif and file info use picture watermarks to add visual attractiveness 12 compositing modes: sourceover, sourcein, sourceout... 40+ blend modes: lighten, darken, contrast, inversion... customizable image format options: bit depth, compression... work with metadata: exif, iptc, gps, xmp. customize output file names with dynamic tags save images to multiple locations and using different settings fast parallel processing on multicore cpus rename image files based on image or file properties and exif/iptc metadata