Tabs Outliner
Next Generation Session, Windows, Tabs Manager and a TooManyTabs Solution That Really Works.
store sessions for internet explorer browser at amazon s3 service or locally (ie6/ie7 are supported).
store sessions for internet explorer browser at amazon s3 service or locally (ie6/ie7 are supported).
baobau iesessions is a convenient alternative to the internet explorer favorites that can save your browser sessions for future use. it makes possible to transfer your browser sessions across computers and even different browser versions (internet explorer 6 and internet explorer 7 are currently supported).
if you are doing long research on the internet and want to change your location, just save your sessions to a file and send it by email, put it into the memory stick or export to amazon s3 storage, and with a few clicks of the mouse you will be able to restore them instantly at any time later.
Discontinued session-manager internet-explorer-plugin