Universal Viewer
Universal Viewer is an advanced file viewer for wide range of formats. Supported file formats are: Images: all major graphics formats: JPG BMP ICO GIF PNG WMF TIFF PSD..., over 40 formats.
Bandizip is 100% free Archiver for home and office. It handles the most popular compression formats, including Zip, 7z, and Rar files for free!. Bandizip supports for compression and extraction: Zip(z01), ZipX(zx01), TAR, TGZ, 7Z(7z.
bandizip is 100% free archiver for home and office.
it handles the most popular compression formats, including zip, 7z, and rar files for free!.
bandizip supports for compression and extraction:zip(z01), zipx(zx01), tar, tgz, 7z(7z.001), lzh, iso, exe(e01).
and extraction only:rar(part1.rar, r01), ace, aes, alz, apk, arj, bh, bin, bz, bz2, cab, egg, gz, j2j, jar, img, ipa, isz, lha, lzma, pma, tbz, tbz2, tgz, tlz, txz, udf, war, wim, xpi, xz, z.
users can create selfextracting files (.exe) and multivolume (split) archives files.
the main advantage of this program is supporting unicode file system.
nonenglish characters in file names will be displayed properly and it will be extracted without breaking international characters.
in addition, 'high speed archiving and fast drag & drop function' will allow you to increase the archiving speed dramatically.
optional archive encryption using zipcrypto and aes 256.
it is available in 40 languages.
File compression Support for Unicode Interface Overlay
Productivity Developer Tools Phots and Graphics Security File Management
file-archiving unicode-support interface-overlay file-encryption rar tar zip unpack 7zip unrar