B-processor is BIM software that has been and currently is still developed by the Arhus School of Architecture in cooperation with the Alexandra institute.
Open Source
Mac OS X
in bprocessor a consequent 3d working method is pursued. top, front and side views are abandoned. all modelling takes place in a perspective 3d view which results in a very realistic and intuitive workflow. the usability and tool design is related to google’s sketch up software and therefore more intuitive and simpler to learn than any common bim software.meanwhile it provides a clear and strict object structure which is the key for successful information modelling. all objects in bprocessor are spatial and therefore volumetric. they can either be functional spaces (rooms) or construction spaces (building elements like walls). all spaces are tagged by specific attributes describing either their function or properties. the latter are classified using the hierarchical order of the danish building classification standard (danks bygnings klassifikation). spaces can contain further spaces which are then referred to as elements. these can be further subdivided into element parts. this provides a strict rule of how detail is added to the design model.
Autodesk Revit software is specifically built for Building Information Modelling (BIM), empowering design and construction professionals to bring ideas from concept to construction with a co-ordinated and consistent model-based approach.
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