Avira Antivirus
Avira Free Antivirus offers basic protection for your computer against dangerous viruses, worms, spy-ware, trojans and costly dialers. Premium version includes MailGuard (POP3 and SMTP) and WebGuard for safe surfing.
AVG AntiVirus Free provides basic antivirus and antispyware protection for home users. Virus database updated every day. Includes innovative LinkScanner for web-protection.
avg antivirus free provides basic antivirus and antispyware protection for home users. virus database updated every day. includes innovative linkscanner for webprotection.
realtime protection, automatic updates, lowimpact background scanning for online threats, and instant quarantining or removal of infected files ensures maximum protection. every interaction between your computer and the internet is monitored, so nothing can get onto your system without your knowledge
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Destroy files Real time protection
Productivity Utilities Security
antivirus file-shredder anti-spyware real-time-protection