Microsoft Office Word
microsoft word, part of the microsoft office suite but also sold as a standalone application, is microsoft's word processor.
Collaborative platform for research. To write and manage technical documents in one place.
authorea is the online document editor for researchers that allows researchers to write, cite, host data, and publish research documents. authorea is trusted worldwide by leading researchers writing and publishing content in every discipline, from astrophysics to zoology. the online document editor supports a wide range of markup languages (richtext/word, latex, and markdown) and scientific integrations, including the most popular citation management, graphing, and visualization plugins. authorea is on a mission to accelerate science through a superior webbased researchwriting platform that delivers the power to write and publish in a webfirst world squarely to the author.
Collaborative writing Real time collaboration WYSIWYG Support Support for LaTeX GitHub integration Export citation
Productivity Developer Tools Education and Reference
collaborative-writing database word-processing real-time-collaboration wysiwyg-editor markdown-editor text-editor latex-support google-docs github-integration sciences git-hosting latex-online-editor data-analysis export-citation publisher scientific-articles scientific-papers