Welcome to the school of rock. A Mac-sized practice space. Your own recording studio. If you want to learn to play an instrument, write music, or record a song, GarageBand can help — whether you’re a rookie or a rock star.
Start making music today — right in your browser. We provide all the tools to get you started! * Create your own tracks with the Audiotool * Open and remix other peoples arrangements * Follow other users
Start making music today — right in your browser. We provide all the tools to get you started!
* Create your own tracks with the Audiotool * Open and remix other peoples arrangements * Follow other users
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Community based Modular System Mix Music Audio editing
Productivity Developer Tools Games Education and Reference Audio and Music
community-based modular-system music-mixing music-production music-studio audio-editor music-sequencer audio-effects audio-sampler music-synthesizer