audiosauna is a fullfeatured audio workstation for making music enables using advanced polyphonic synthesizers, samplers and live effects in realtime in the browser.
record, write, edit and mix
audiosauna is a fullfeatured audio workstation with an easytouse and straightforward user interface. it enables using several advanced polyphonic synthesizers, samplers and live effects in realtime in the browser.
save and open songs and export song as audio file use your computer's keyboard to record melodies with audiosauna sequencer with pattern arrange and piano roll modes mixer with level, pan, mute, solo and aux1 and aux2 levels built in aux effects: delay and reverb snap to grid
virtual analog synthesizer
audiosauna's virtual analog synth is a classic two oscillator subtractive synthesizer.
2 analog oscillators with amp envelope, saw, square, triangle, sine and noise waveforms. various filter types including lp and hp osc 2 can modulate the osc 1 with true fm adsr envelopes for amplitude and filter's cutoff lfo for amplitude and filter's cutoff with 3 waveforms built in effects: distortion, chorus and bitrate unlimited polyphony, portamento, transpose, 40+ presets
frequency modulation synthesizer
audiosauna's fmsynth brings the classic 80's sound to the browser!
4 sine wave operators with amp envelope 8 fm algorithms (based on yamaha's dx21) various filter types including lp and hp adsr envelopes for amplitude and filter's cutoff lfo for amplitude and filter's cutoff with 3 waveforms built in effects: distortion, chorus and bitrate unlimited polyphony, portamento, transpose, 40+ presets
advanced sampler
we believe its the most advanced stereo sampler of all the online audio applications.
import mp3 and wav files layering, key range mapping, automapping normal and pingpong looping, reverse sample level, pan, transpose, finetune