Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
[Available languages: Spanish and English. You can change the language only after the registration, in the atchus! settings.] atchus! is your new homepage with your links, news and RSS.
[available languages: spanish and english. you can change the language only after the registration, in the atchus! settings.]
atchus! is your new homepage with your links, news and rss.
atchus! is your new rss readerorganise, edit, move, add, remove, share, comment. atchus! is an fully featured, independent rss manager.
import your rss from google reader ... before it's too lategoogle reader is closing down, and with atchus! you can import all your your feeds in just a couple of clicks.
your new personal homepage for surfing the internetatchus! is a practical new way of browsing the web more quickly by organizing your favorites visually. instead of writing out urls, just click its icon in atchus!
save and organize your favorites and newsyou can save the pages you visit most and organize them as you wish. you'll always have your links and news at hand.
share and explore internet with your contacts and friendsfind out which pages your contacts visit and discuss what you find in this universe called internet.
add links from your browserinstall our pagesaver in your browser. you can save links while you surf with just one click!
open up to four links with one clicklaunch the first four links from your boxes with just one click. each one of them will open in a new tab.
copy links from othersdiscover new links your friends add in the wall and if you like them, copy them to your atchus!
one atchus! wherever you arefrom your office computer, your phone on the train, your tablet on the beach to your tv from the sofaÉ your atchus! account can be accessed from any device with internet.
share your knowledge with othersdiscover social browsing on the net with atchus! our community's best links are waiting to make your web surfing even better!
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Import from Google Reader Social media integration
Productivity Social Online Services Books News
google-reader-import rss-feed-reader personalized-homepage social-media-integration share-news
Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Chrome OS Web Windows Phone Chrome
Feed Wrangler is an RSS reader designed to make reading your news feeds as easy and quick as possible. - Create Smart Streams to personalize your news feeds. Perfect for on-the-go check-ins.
Commercial iPhone iPad Web Apple Watch
Feeddler is a fast and highly customizable RSS Reader that presents RSS stories in an easy-to-ready interface. Feeddler is a universal app that supports iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads. The free version is ad-supported.
Freemium iPhone iPad
Get the power of RSS and PUSH NOTIFICATIONS for your iPhone, iPod or iPad. Simple RSS is the perfect tool for organizing, reading and accessing all your news quickly and...
Weave is a news reader that lets you follow any website or blog you are interested in at any time. We provide a huge set of built-in news sources grouped by categories...
Freemium Windows Phone