Md5Checker is a free, faster, lightweight and easy-to-use tool to manage, calculate and verify MD5 checksum of multiple files/folders Calculate and display MD5...
Overview: Arpoon Checksum computes checksums of files. A checksum (message digest, hash value) is a kind of fingerprint that enables to uniquely identify a file or...
arpoon checksum computes checksums of files. a checksum (message digest, hash value) is a kind of fingerprint that enables to uniquely identify a file or document. this can be used for authentication purposes or to track document modifications.
by way of example, this tool can be utilized to:
uniquely identify a given file, thus using the checksum as a fingerprint. survey a file i.e. to check if a file as been modified by comparing its actual checksum with a previously archived value. look for possible duplicate of files by scanning hardware storage devices (hard disk, dvd, cd, memory sticks...) verify the authenticity i.e. genuineness of a fingerprinted document that has been sent to you (e.g. as an email attachment or by way of a download) by comparing its onthefly computed checksum with its (publicly available) stored fingerprint.
Discontinued hash-checker crc32 md5 verify-checksum sha1 sha256 md4 elf file-validation md2