Universal Viewer
Universal Viewer is an advanced file viewer for wide range of formats. Supported file formats are: Images: all major graphics formats: JPG BMP ICO GIF PNG WMF TIFF PSD..., over 40 formats.
A simple software to multiple compress files and folders. ArcThemAll provides compression and extraction of batches of multiple folders or files with simple drag&drop loading.
A simple software to multiple compress files and folders. ArcThemAll provides compression and extraction of batches of multiple folders or files with simple drag&drop loading. It includes an intelligent UPX compression mode, the support to selfextracting archives creation, archives encryption and decryption and much more. It allows configuration of the major elements and uses optimized settings for the rest, so you won't have to worry about them. Dozens of formats are supported.
Productivity Developer Tools File Management
portable file-archiving archiving compressor file-compression packer compressing exe-packer executable-compression