ProcessWire is a friendly and powerful open source CMS and CMF with an exceptionally strong foundation.
Lightweight, simple and very easy-to-use personal blog script. It provides all essential blog features including categories, archives and comments.
apphp microblog is very simple and powerful php blog software. this product enables you to start your own blog within minutes. you can easy add and manage your own posts and posting categories.
this script is a perfect solution for web designers and developers that want to empower their site and save the time on editing web pages every time they want to add more news. the script is very flexible, it written in objectoriented style and allows web developers easy change it to suit their needs.
this script is an excellent tool for those who:
want to create and manage his own blog platform look for small, but powerful blog script need to build multiauthor blog quickly
Official Website
cms blogging blog-publishing blogging-platform blogging-application blogging-engine php-cms web-cms blogging-platforms