Join millions of IT professionals and download Spiceworks, a free network monitoring software with network management tools, help desk ticketing app, network mapper and more.
We monitor your websites and alert you when they fail (failure is confirmed from multiple probe locations). Integrated also public status page module for your users and customers.
applications today are usually very complex and depend on many components. even simple and innocuous processes like patching the operating system on your server can sometimes cause unexpected problems. this is why monitoring your apps is highly recommended.
our system enables constant monitoring of your application based on your rules. if any of those rules detect an anomaly you will get instant email or sms notification, so your support team can take a look and fix potential problems as quickly as possible.
Official Website
Network Monitoring Uptime Monitoring
Productivity Developer Tools Social Networking and Admin
web-based network-monitoring website-monitoring monitoring webmaster-tools uptime-monitoring network-administration sms-notification status status-pagehosted-status-page