Traveler Buddy
Travel Itinerary Management. Created by business and frequent leisure travelers to enjoy hassle-free travels. Made for travelers like them. Get real time flight alerts and more.
App in the Air helps you fly smarter with everything you need to make the most of your flight experience. Know where to find the best food in the airport and how to connect to free wireless internet.
app in the air helps you fly smarter with everything you need to make the most of your flight experience. know where to find the best food in the airport and how to connect to free wireless internet. learn the best ways to spend free time and find the best coffee. don't be late with online checkin and keep your friends and family updated by sharing your flight status.
be smart in the airportget the latest official information on your flight/airline/airportfollow advice from fellow passengersconnect with other travelers with online chat
be smart before the flightuse packing/todo listcheck in straight from the appget your personal flight schedule and receive notifications on every stage of the flight
additional featuresdetailed flight trackingsharing of your flight and airplane detailspersonal stats on miles/airports/countriesslick and beautiful design
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Business and Commerce Travel and Location
social-applications air travel-networking travel-plans