Net Transport
Net Transport (also known as NetXfer) is a shareware (with 30 day trial) download manager and stream ripper for Windows made by Xi Software. The company also develops FTP Transport, which is included with Net Transport.
Download videos from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more your favourable websites.
Any Videos Download(AVD) serves the best downloading experience of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Dailymotion videos. Download videos from your favorite websites
Convert YouTube videos to Mp3 Convert YouTube videos to Mp4 Download videos from Facebook
Productivity Developer Tools Social Video
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Net Transport (also known as NetXfer) is a shareware (with 30 day trial) download manager and stream ripper for Windows made by Xi Software. The company also develops FTP Transport, which is included with Net Transport.
Commercial Windows
Coolmuster Video Downloader makes it a breeze to download web video from almost any video site on the web, including Viemo, Metacafe, etc.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows
GetGo Download Manager is a FREE, full featured download manager designed for the new generation of web sites (web 2.0).
Free Windows
Allows to download videos from popular video streaming sites. No need for installation. Easy and fast.
Free Personal Web
SVDownloader allows you to search, download and play the favorite videos on the Internet. Videos streams are splitted and downloaded at extremely high speed.
Free Windows
Download video youtube, download playlist youtube, download channel youtube, donwload subtitle video youtube. Download video country restricted via proxy. Convert video...
Free Web
Our online video converter and video downloader allows you to convert videos from Youtube, Soundcloud Facebook etc. to MP3 and more formats in HD quality for free!.
Free Web
Download and convert videos online from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Digitalmotion, Twitter, Instagram and many more.
Free Web
TubeRekt.com allows you to download Mp3 or Mp4 format along with many other formats. TubeRekt.com works with YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Liveleak + many more.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux
MacX YouTube Downloader is the best free online video downloader for Mac OS that can help you to free download music and videos from YouTube (VeVo), FaceBook...
Free Mac OS X
.NET library for extracting Youtube video meta data and downloading videos. Has a Windows GUI and CLI.
Free Open Source Windows
Download videos and MP3 from YouTube, Dailymotion, Twitch, Facebook, and many more.
Commercial Windows
Stream-Cloner is an all-in-one stream downloader with high speed to download videos from all video websites and video-sharing sites including YouTube, Netflix, Hulu...
Commercial Windows