Open source data platform for the Internet of Things. ThingSpeak Features Real-time data collection and storage MATLAB® analytics and visualizations Alerts ...
Build connected devices for a wide variety of consumer, retail, and industrial applications.
Formerly known as Project Brillo, Android Things is Google's IoT (Internet of Things) platform to build connected devices for a wide variety of consumer, retail, and industrial applications.
Productivity System and Hardware
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Open source data platform for the Internet of Things. ThingSpeak Features Real-time data collection and storage MATLAB® analytics and visualizations Alerts ...
Free Open Source Web GitHub
Let Devices, Applications and even Humans simply post on Sen.se what's happening to them, what they are feeling.
Free Web
thethings.iO makes a real-time IoT cloud solution that supports REST, MQTT, CoAP and Websockets. It has a free account up to 3 devices, and then charges 1 Euro per...
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Control your home automation systems and connected objects from a single and highly customizable interface.
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Control everything in your home with the Loxone Smart Home App. Whether you want to switch off the lights from the comfort of your bed, or check on your home while...
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad
MisterHouse is an open source home automation program. It's fun, it's free, and it's entirely geeky. Written in Perl, it fires events based on time, web...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
SMQ, (Simple Message Queues), is an easy to use IoT/ M2M publish subscribe protocol designed and optimized for embedded systems providing instantaneous Edge Node...
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