Automatic Family Tree Maker in Excel
Unique Excel tool to create Family Tree with Photos from your own data with no hassle. Printable with export to PDF feature, easy-to-use and very quick.
Ancestris is a free software suitable for all genealogists. It is available on all operating systems. It strictly respects the GedCom 5.5 and accepts 5.5.1 standard as it directly writes all information into the Gedcom file.
Ancestris is a free software suitable for all genealogists. It is available on all operating systems.It strictly respects the GedCom 5.5 and accepts 5.5.1 standard as it directly writes all information into the Gedcom file.Possibility to work on several Gedcom files at the same time.Numerous views and tools are available : geographic view, chronological view, etc.Customizable multiwindow environment.
Productivity Social Home and Family
portable genealogy family-tree lineage genograms heritage gedcom