Ping A Host
Check if website is online by sending a ping to the IP or URL - is it down right now - is it down for me only - is it down for everyone or just me - is it down or up
AgentSlug.com is simple but perspective application to monitor your website. For now, you can find there a full featured uptime monitoring tool.
agentslug.com is simple but perspective application to monitor your website. for now, you can find there a full featured uptime monitoring tool. however, the app is developed constantly to provide complementary webmaster tools in the nearest future.
agentslug.com is semifree platform. we have a free plan, but only for single website.
the highest price for monitoring the uptime of a single website costs 0.44€.
Official Website
Network Monitoring Uptime Monitoring
Productivity Developer Tools Networking and Admin Online Services
web-based network-monitoring website-monitoring cloud-monitoring server-monitoring webmaster-tools uptime-monitoring web-monitoring