"Everything" is an administrative tool that locates files and folders by filename instantly for Windows.
Agent Ransack is a tool for finding files and information on your hard drive fast and efficiently. When searching the contents of files Agent Ransack also displays the text found.
agent ransack is a tool for finding files and information on your hard drive fast and efficiently. when searching the contents of files agent ransack also displays the text found. users can then quickly browse the results without having to separately open each file!
agent ransack provides compelling advantages over similar search tools:regular expressions that allow complex rule based searches. immediate contents results view various wizards to walk the user through the searching process.
please note the following from the mythicsoft website:"filelocator lite is a rebranding of agent ransack for corporate environments."
File search Outlook search Context Menu extension
file-management search-tool file-search email-search outlook-search text-search search-text-in-files context-menu-extension